Yada Yada...what makes them so interesting? So interesting that they are featured in the newspaper?
Seriously? I dunno. Funny thing is, I never read blogs. Funny thing 2 is, I only use my blog to rant. Funny thing 3 is, I don't give a damn about the rest of the damned world.
So, why are places like blogs which can give rise so much.....topics of interest?
Take for example, the poor kid who just tried to get the girl's number in NUS. She gives him her number, then spews crap all over her blog. It's interesting how sometimes our writing differ so much from what we show to the rest of the world. Perhaps our writing is an expression of what we really feel.
Then again, why not just show it in real life? I mean, to that guy, just diss him on the spot. Well, other then humliliating him, you also won't get such things.
Then again, most blogs are merely people's online diary, places which you would want people to see where you've been, what you have done, in case they missed in real life for 2 seconds. Really, maybe that's what blogs are for: To let the world know what your miserable life was about. I mean, look at LiveJOURNAL, it's a journal, after all.
So, people use it as a diary, where they can pour all their emotions out for the world to see. That, and hell with anyone that comes by. Of course, if they don't like it, they can not see it. (That's my motto in any case. =D) Then again, why don't they ask themsleves: Who the heck will want to know about my boring life? Will someone actually waste their time to read what happened in Maths, or what happened when you were in canteen, which place you ate, what ball you kicked, which table you vandalised?
In my view, no.
I don't care if you fell down the stairs, or got your testicles bitten by a mosquito. Really, I don't care. And I don't expect anyone to care about me typing that as well. I type it for fun, of course. But some people really expect others to FEEL for what they have been through. CRY for their sadness.
I don't know if I even dare to go on...
But in summary, they want people to know what's it was like being them. What they did, which blade of grass they plucked, some blogs are basically that: Their damned boring everyday mudane life.
So, some clever idiots realised that, and moved onto something else, politics and something they can discuss on. Now, that is a little more interesting. Something you can relate to. But then again, they are quite one sided at times, and get boring after a while when they keep going against some leaders, and approving everything some other leader does, no matter how moronic it is. Add to some of these being defamatory, and leading people being jailed/sued...
So, it boils down to my favourite type of blog: The one with everthing, but mostly rants. =D In rants, you can really see a person, the way his life went without being boring (although I still have no interest in what happened to someone), and basically the things he feel about. Different from the daily life style because daily life is " I went to class today. Man, the teacher is really ****ed up...", while rants just go "The teacher is ****ed up". Straight to the point, no excessive rubbish.
In any case, my blog is mostly about ranting, such as this one, and pretty much nothing else. I don't expect anyone to actually read it (if you do, you either have too much time to spare, or you are as moronic as me). I find ranting a good way to destress. Just that, nothing more.
Gamer girls...
It's really hard to find one who can play a FPS well. And it isn't those no brainers which follow their boyfriends to the Lan Shop, buys an AWP, full set, rushes out, camps/gets shot in 10 seconds.
This is one of those who can really play.
Rare indeed. =D
Damnit, I knew I should have gone to MJC. All the chicks are there.. >_>
Including one...which....
Song of (whatever) changed to Stream Of Tears from Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 2 Original Soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro. One really really DAMN good disc. I have not seen such a good game ost since Magna Carta OST.